Monday, 6 July 2015

What were they thinking? #2

It's official. The Australian economy will collapse if same-sex marriage is legalised. China will turn its back on our iron ore. There'll be no more coal ships to Japan. Indonesia will look anywhere but Australia for its live cattle imports. Across Asia there'll be such moral outrage at Australian 'decadence' that usually hard-headed traders will take their business elsewhere.
Or so says Barnaby Joyce. It's absolute hooey. He, for one, should know that trade makes strange bedfellows. What they do in the sack is utterly irrelevant.   

1 comment:

  1. Phillip Adams asked Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian (Tea Leaf Nation (sic) Fellow at Foreign Policy magazine, and a former student of Peking University, about this. She pointed out that when the Icelandic PM visited Beijing with her wife, the PM signed a trade treaty! See:
